Was Jesus a Socialist?

Was Jesus a Socialist?



Socialism is making a comeback- and so is the idea that "Jesus was a Socialist."

In this timely new book, economist and historian Lawrence W. Reed shows it is pure fantasy to believe that Jesus wanted earthly governments to redistribute wealth, centrally plan the economy, or impose welfare states.

Was Jesus a Socialist? expands on Reed's immensely popular video for Prager University, which has attracted more than four million views online.

Poll after poll shows that young Americans have a positive image of socialism. In fact, more than half say they would rather live in a socialist country than in a capitalist one. Reed's accessible and authoritative book explodes the myths that have lured in young people everywhere. 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Jaclyn Miles
Comrade Jesus?

This book may be a little difficult for those with liberal leanings as it is very straight-forward and logical, but that is just how truth is. To claim Jesus's teachings fit a philosophy of coercion and domination of others is an egregious act of philosophical appropriation. This book addresses many common misconceptions of Jesus's teachings and how they relate to our current political/cultural insanity.

New Englander
A careful handling of scripture and public policy

As someone who has worked in business while also being a member of the church, I appreciate Larry Reed's careful handling of Jesus' teachings alongside a discussion of economic policy and government. This book does a great job of bringing these two things together in an even-handed and intelligent way. It is rare to find a book and an author that can help expand one's knowledge of the spiritual while also educating on the economic. Well done!

Amazon Customer
Larry Reed is a national treasure

Larry Reed has the ability to make complex issues simple. He does it again and again in his lectures and writings and has done it again here in his new book. Simple enough for people of all ages but deep enough to keep the true thinkers engaged and contemplative throughout. The truths taught here are universal and timeless and every home needs a copy of this book to sharpen our own knowledge and teach to our children as well.

Connie J. Singleton
The ammo to debunk socialism is right here!

Socialism is no longer creeping into America, it's being shoved down the throats of citizens at every turn. The media and the left are pushing it, but you'll also find Christians who should know better *attempting* to make the argument that Jesus was a socialist and would support overthrow of our current system of government (constitutional federal republic) to reflect a move to the "compassion" of socialism. They couldn't be more wrong or misguided. In 135 pages, Larry Reed clearly demonstrates that socialism is a system of force - something for which Jesus did not and would not advocate. The Bible teaches that God honors gifts from the heart, not compulsory and overbearing taxation to create an equitable society. It should be required reading in seminary, especially, as even many "Christian" pastors are seemingly confused about the subject. Buy it, devour it, share it.

Kathy Smith
Buy extra copies for your friends

It seems to be in fashion to claim that Jesus Christ was a socialist. Larry Reed's book "Was Jesus a Socialist?" brilliantly examines that claim using Biblical texts and debunks the myth that embracing socialism would make everyone's lives better and more closely aligned with Jesus' teachings. It's an immensely insightful book, thought-provoking and sometimes even humorous, though Larry wrote it because he knows the outcomes of socialism are no laughing matter. You'll want to share this book with your neighbors and friends so buy extra copies!